As part of our aggressive path towards best practices, performance, redundancy and security we must enable additional security protocols and ciphers to further protect and insulate PHI and as recommended by HIPAA.
Once enabled, the following features will not work in TCMS:
- ALL EMC/EDI features like
- creating claims
- sending a file
- retrieving reports
- Retrieving ERN files
- Eligibility Submission and result processing will not work
- Creating e-Track
Criterions is required to use AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and TLS 1.2.
The executable version of TCMS cannot support these encryption protocols and ciphers
These requirements come from HHS,
Browser access, cloud or self-hosted, has always supported these.
Sample article on HIPAA requirements:
If you believe your office will be adversely affected please contact Criterions support or email