Monday, November 28, 2011

Bug Fixes available in TCMS version 4.6.2

The Latest Bugs Fixed:

Menu: Claims -> Select Patient -> Claims Ledger
Fixed Bug: The Admission Date and the Supervising Physician features were not generating for Medicare claims as they should. This problem originated in version 4.6.

Menu: Scheduler -> Open Schedule
Fixed Bug: Some superbills printed from the Open Schedule were taking too long to print because of a new field's calculation of a dollar amount. This problem originated in version 4.6.1.

Menu: Print -> Reports -> Practice Reports -> Payment Analysis Report
Fixed Bug: The Payment Analysis Report was sometimes taking to long to generate. The problem originated in version 4.6.1.

Menu: Print -> Bulk Print HCFAs
Fixed Bug: The data in a HCFA's Box# 32 was generating with a wrong font size. This problem originated in version 4.6.1

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The "What's New" for TCMS v. 4.6.1


- The Daily Schedule report now displays cell phone numbers
- Referring Doctor's titles can now be added on the fly
- A new Practice Default for viewing eRx/Rx modules
- A new audit button is available for changes to password rules
- Ledger reports now show all deposit dates
- Worker's Comp claims can now be sent electronically
- Information in the Responsible Party screen can now be deleted
- Credit Report now shows total credited services in date span
- Can no longer add a service prior to passing the CPT code field
- Two new Claim Centers are now available
- Indicator added to the Lookup menu's Referring Doctor screen
- Appointment label barcode font increased
- Exported report contains new column
- Change to CMS-1500 form when POS is 12
- New custom field to prevent the unflagging of forwarded claims
- New entry in history of a lab result

- A new HCFA Box 10 default is now available
- New column in Worker's Comp case selection screen

The Daily Schedule report now displays cell phone numbers
The Daily Schedule report will now display the patient's cell phone number instead of the patient's work phone number.
Click on Image to Enlarge

Referring Doctor's titles can now be added on the fly
While adding or editing a referring doctor, there is now a pop up box available that permit the user to add or edit a referring physician's title. As a result, a title can be selected from the list or the user can use the Edit button to add a new title to the database for selection.
Click on Image to Enlarge

A new Practice Default for viewing eRx/Rx modules
We have made a change to add a Practice Default for only those clients that use both Rx and eRx modules in TCMS. The default is named "Use eRx for prescriptions."
Click on Image to Enlarge

A new audit button is available for changes to password rules
The Password Rule Setup screen (in the "Users" section of the Practice Setup screens) now has an audit button available to the user that will display an audit log of the transactions performed on password rules.

Ledger reports now show all deposit dates
The ledger reports will now display the deposit dates for cash and credit card payments as it does for check payments.
Click on Image to Enlarge

Worker's Comp claims can now be sent electronically
We now have the ability to submit Worker’s Compensation claims electronically with iHCFA. Using the same method as printing or reprinting batches, a user can now create XML files that can be transferred via FTP.

How to set up iHCFA Claims Center
for electronic submission
of Worker's Comp claims:
  1. You will need to register with iHCFA prior to setting up the iHCFA Clearinghouse fields in TCMS. The registration process takes just a couple of days. To begin registration, simply call iHCFA at 973-451-8213 and let Bryan Downing know that you have Criterions version 4.6.1 (or higher) and want information on iHCFA registration. Bryan can also be emailed at . Bryan will gladly walk you through the set up process and provide training.
  2. Once you have registered with iHCFA, you can activate the iHCFA Claim Center which is inactive by default and you can enter the registration information in the appropriate fields.
    Click on Image to Enlarge
  4. When the Claim Center is activated and the registration information is entered, the user can assign the Workers Comp carriers to the Claim Center (click on "Edit Carrier List", select the Workers Comp carriers and save).
  5. When all of the above is completed, you can now create a file and submit Worker’s Comp claims electronically from the same screen used to print Worker’s Comp forms. Simply select to print batches and click on the (new) button labeled “Electronic WC”. This will generate the .XML files that will get transferred to iHCFA via the FTP settings that were entered into the Claim Center.
  6. Click on Image to Enlarge
Information in the Responsible Party screen can now be deleted
A new button is provided which will delete all existing responsible party information leaving all fields blank.
Click on Image to Enlarge

Credit Report now shows total credited services in date span
The Credit Report, which will identify all services that were credited within a selected date span, will now display (on the last page) the total number of credited services in the report.
Click on Image to Enlarge

Can no longer add a service prior to passing the CPT code field
While adding a service in a patient's "Add Service" screen, the user may need to go back to the service date fields prior to saving a claim to correct the DOS entered... but, an error was generated if the user did not tab from the DOS fields and through the CPT code field prior to clicking on "Add Service" - this is now prevented by muting the Add Service option until the user exits the DOS fields and tabs through the CPT code field after changing the DOS data.
Click on Image to Enlarge

Two new Claim Centers are now available
There are 2 new Clam Centers added, “NC BCBS” and “North Carolina Medicare." They can be found in the EMC setup screen and will are inactive by default. If needed, either can be activated and set up when the client needs to submit claims electronically to either Claim Center.
Click on Image to Enlarge

Indicator added to the Lookup menu's Referring Doctor screen
The Referring Doctor screen that is accessed through TCMS's Lookup menu is a shortcut access point to select data in the Referring Doctor setup screen. A newly added data field to the shortcut is the indicator/checkbox labeled "Accepts Faxed Reports".
Click on Image to Enlarge
Appointment label barcode font increased
The font of the text at the base of the Appointment Label's barcode is now larger.

Exported report contains new column
The patient list report for Diagnosis Codes will generate a column containing the patient's DOB when exported.

Change to CMS-1500 form when POS is 12
The CMS-1500 (HCFA form) will now print the patient’s address in Box 32 when the Place of Service (POS code) for the service  is "12" (Home).

New custom field to prevent the unflagging of forwarded claims
Electronic remittances use an indicator to identify claims that were forwarded to the secondary by the primary on your behalf. This indicator has always been used by TCMS to prevent the reflagging of claims because there should be no need to forward the claim to the secondary once it is forwarded by the primary. This fearture can now be turned off with a new Insurance Type custom field, "Ignore ERN's claims forwarded indicator."  
Click on Image to Enlarge

New entry in history of a lab result
A history entry will now be made when a lab is assigned to a patient from the unassigned lab queue.  The history tab in the document properties screen will have an entry that will read "Assigned to patient from Unassigned Lab Queue".
Click on Image to Enlarge

A new HCFA Box 10 default is now available
There is a new option available in a patient’s Insurance Profile that permits the user to determine a HCFA’s Box 10 information by default to all claims that are later written against this profile. (Please note that, if two services contain differing Box 10 selections, the services will split to separate HCFA’s.)

Click on Image to Enlarge

New column in Worker's Comp case selection screen
A new column titled "Treatment Rendered" is now displayed in the Worker's Comp case selection screen to help ensure selection of the correct Worker's Comp case.
Click on Image to Enlarge
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